Hi there. I founded Hopscotch. I love to program. I occasionally tweet. I will answer my email after a delay. I occasionally write things and sometimes I post them here.
Are you Elon Musk or a garbage truck titan?
How to find the perfect business idea for fun or profit
The product doc that powered Hopscotch
Our product process based on the scientific method.
A love letter to personal software
Reflections on the loss of my favorite screenshotting app.
Churcha Chironja
A non-religious religious tradition started in Puerto Rico. It's as weird as it sounds. But also wonderful.
Fixing your retain cycles for fun and profit
Some iOS techniques to deal with circular references in arrays. It's possible this only applies to Hopscotch, but perhaps you will learn something too.
The Tao Te Ching
One of my favorite books. Much of my life philosophy is based on the Tao.
Thoughts on mastery in programming
Advice for a high schooler trying to get better at coding.
My mom, the scientist
I was very wise in my choice of parents. This is a small slice of what makes my mom so great.